It’s a Fat Shame…

FatNavyI read a story today about n obese woman shopping at Old Navy that over heard some people talking about how 2 of them could fit into a shirt, it was that big. Of course the woman that over heard this also happen to wear that size shirt and her feelings got hurt. She cried, sat in the car, pouted and then took a picture of herself in the shirt and it’s
“Empowering”. Let me be the first to say that I don’t believe in fat shaming, although that’s not what this woman did, she just listened to someone else conversations and then got but hurt because she didn’t like what they had to say. As a society can i really no longer comment on how big a shirt is because someone but listen and get upset? Here’s my biggest issue, we act like it’s a GOOD thing to be fat now. I’m not saying we should go around and scold people for being fat, but let’s also not celebrate the fact that someone s overweight.

This is all coming from myself, an obese person. I don’t celebrate that I’m overweight, in dangerous, it takes years of my life and it effects that quality of my life. I’ve taken extreme measures to makes things better, but i am still in no way fit or the proper weight. But now we have to make everyone feel good and tell them they are good. I’m not saying these people are bad, but let’s not treat them like they are doing something good.

#OldNavy #Obese #FatShirt #FatShaming #BodyShaming

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