My Real Father…..

Those who know me generally know that my father was never really around. He left when I was 3 and for the next 10 years he was in and out of my life, even the year I lived with him I don’t remember seeing him all that often. So who picks up the slack? Well, it was really a bunch of different guys that taught me fatherly life lessons as I grew up, but the person that was there the most was my Mom’s brother and our next door neighbor, my Uncle Herman. He helped me fix things, he helped me learn, took me places, found me work and never agreed with anything I said. But that’s kind of my Uncle Herman, he’s stubborn, some would probably say to a fault, but when he believed in something he really believed in. He’s been sick the last few months and to be honest I’ve kind of been afraid to go to see him…I’m selfish like that. I know his mind is there, but his body is failing and I don’t like the idea of seeing him that way. I found out last night he’s coming home on hospice, which we all know means it’s only a matter of time. I feel like i really am losing my dad now, more so than when my actual father died last month.

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